Hopes relief Cream for eczema and psoriasis 60g
Peter Boles Pharmacy
Hopes Relief Premium Eczema Cream
Assists In Natural Relief for Eczema, Psoriasis and Dermatitis.
A natural option to cortisone or steroid creams.
A potent natural eczema cream with 300mg's of active's from 5 natural ingredients. Hope's Relief Premium Eczema Cream is an all-natural cream specifically developed to assist in relief of the irritating symptoms of eczema, psoriasis dermatitis and dry itchy skin.
Hope's Relief is powerful on symptoms and yet gentle enough to be used on babies, children and adults.
While other creams may just moisturise Hope's Relief cream has a Triple Action Formula.
calms skin
5 natural ingredients
Hope's Relief not only helps to soften the skin, it's 5 active natural ingredients assist in itch relief and inflammation.
Plus Hope's Relief uses Hospital grade Manuka honey at a NPA10+ level certified by the New Zealand Laboratory Services.
Staph A is a bacteria that is found in over 90% of eczema sufferers.
***Hope's Relief Premium Eczema Cream... your first natural option.***
Manuka Honey NPA10+
Aloe Vera
Gotu Kola
liquorice Root
Expires: 10/21
Made in Australia